Onora Irish Setters

Announcing the Kermit X Aquila Litter
Due Date: 5/9/2020


GCHS Windntide Beachcomber



The 2015 Golden Leash winner and National puppy class winner, Kermit, shown just a handful of times, finished before the age of two, with four Specialty majors including three 5-point Best of winners, finishing with 19 points. Now a Multi-BISS and National AOM winner, he loves showing and excels at Dock Diving. Affectionately dubbed “The Kerminator” for his antics, he now has a CH & SH titled son. He is presented by Brian Rasmussen when home on the West coast and by Peter Kubacz when on the East coast. We (his owner/breeders and I) are thrilled to have him in the top 20 for the second time!

MBISS GCHS Windntide Beachcomber DS DJ DN (Kermit)
Shown by Peter Kubacz (above) on the East Coast

Kermit - Shown by Brian Rasmussen on the West Coast.

Kermit is owned and loved by his Owner/Breeders Pat & Carol McGary (Windntide)
& Katherine Toohey (Slamdunk)

Click here to see all of Kermit's tests and results:

Pedigree - MBISS GCHS Windntide Beachcomber


GCHS CH Abbeylaane Tramore Above The Limit




GCHB CH Tramore Galewinns Mak'N An Impact

GCH CH Galewinns Put Me In Coach
CH Tramore Impetuous Imperial Imp
GCH CH Tramore Limited EditionCH Tramore Category III
CH Tramore Hand Picked


Windntide Sand Dollar

CH Westeriann Estrella MagicCH Estrella Sand Warrior
CH Allegrofarm Westeriann
CH Windntide Sand In My Genes CD RE JHCH Windntide Wood Duck CD
CH Windntide Making Waves

Kermit's 5 generation pedigree

The Dam
GCHB CH Onora Aquila
Aquila received her Championship and Grand Championship before turning 26 months of age. She
earned her Bronze Grand Championship at 5 years old after resting for over a year and "just being a dog".
Her favorite things are fetching and cuddling with her owners. She is owned and loved by her owner/breeders
Russ Gibson and Pat Dennis.

GCHB Onora Aquila shown by Carlos Carrizo (left) and Breeder Owner Russ Gibson

Click here to see Aquila's tests and results
To see more about Aquila including her pedigree, click on her page: Onora Aquila

Black and Green collar boys and Pink collar girl

Blue collar girl and Orange collar boy

Seven 9 day old puppies

Purple collar boy and Red collar girl


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