Onora Irish Setters

Onora Rose Litter Arriving September 24th, 2018
Breeding via Artificial Insemination Using Frozen Sperm.
Puppy photos at bottom of page.
Sire: Best in Specialty Show, Canadian Champion, American Champion, Soraj Prince of Thieves (Payton) 12/1/96 - 12/2008

Left: Payton taking Best of Breed at the 1999 Irish Setter Club of the Pacific Specialty show.
Right: Payton taking one of his several Group Ones. This one is at the 2000 Bonanza Kennel Club Show.

Left: Payton enjoying some down time.
Right: Payton's head.


To see Payton's records for hips and PRA on the OFA Web site, click here

Dam: Bronze Grand Champion Onora Aquila 5/13/13 -
This will be Aquila's first litter. We hope she will earn her Bronze Grand Championship before breeding her this summer.

Taking first in class at the 2016 Irish Setter Club of America show in San Diego.
Since we own Aquila, you can view her photos and health tests on her page.
Click here to go to Aquila's page. Onora Aquila

Aquila's X-ray taken 9/19/2018

September 24, 2018, 12:15am, 7 puppies 2 boys and 5 girls arrived.

Less than 2 hours old and they all have had at least
one turn at the milk bar.

Mother Aquila adoring her babies.

Pink and Blue Girls sleeping on the warming pad.

White Boy weighing in at 15 ounces.
Aquila Nursing 10/1/18
10/5/18 How they have grown!


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